
Friday, February 8, 2019

Communism In The Soviet Union And Why It Failed Essay -- Communism Essa

Communism in the Soviet Union and Why it FailedCommunism is defined as "a remains of political and economic organization inwhich property is owned by the community and exclusively citizens shargon in the enjoymentof the common wealth, more or less according to their need." In 1917 the riseof index number in the Marxist-inspired Bolsheviks in Russia along with theconsolidation of power by Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, the word communismcame to mean a totalitarian system controlled by a single political party. Thiscame to justify that the means of proceeds is controlled and the wealth isdistributed with the goal of producing a classless or possibly a statelesssociety. The ideological meaning of communism arose in 1848 with thepublication of the commie Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Theybelieved that communism is inevitable and is an outcome of the historicalprocess. They believed that the " splutter between an exploiting class, thecapatalists at pres ent age, and an exploited class, the workers, would enter a authoritative stage in the period of capitalism where industrial enterprise occurs andthat the effects of industrialization is to heighten and intensify the sexualcontradictions in capitalism." To put it bluntly they believed that the resultpower of industry would be in fewer and fewer hands where the workers would engage into a state of ever-increasing misery. These impoverished workers growin numbers and take shape themselves into a political party which would lead arevolution in which they dispose of the capitalists. The proletariat wouldestablish a society governed by a " dictatorship of the proletariat" based oncommunal ownership of the wealth. check to Marx this phase of human societyis referred to as socialism. Communism is the final transcendence of thisrevolution in which there is a break up and riddance of the state and noclass division. That is the primary reason that it was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed. What was theproblem with this system of government, if this is a workers paradise whathappened ? What did the Soviet Union do wrong to cause a breakdown of theirideal system ? In this paper I will explore the rise of the Soviet power andcauses of the 1991 breakup.The person who started the whole revolution into a communist empire was ... ...nd droped spark. The respect and fear they once generated was speedily declining inan increasingly young and educated country. This weakness of political protestwithin the Soviet Union was also important to the crisis. It planted seeds ofantitotalitarianism and anticommunism in the native soil. Also the potentialfor political action sunk to an all time low in the community.The final problem that they encountered was in their relationships with oppositenations and ethnic groups. This may have been the most potent flaw in theirsystem. Non-Russian ethnic regions contained under deve loped, peasant cultures.These groups were able to resist with surprising powerfulness subordination to Russianculture or submersion into the Soviet state. This lack of development led tocultivation of old ethnic identities and the process of modernization onlycreated new strains.The Soviet Union lost all of its internal vitality, the powers of the regimewere still intense. Decay was probably unavoidable but the decomposition didnot seem immediate. The counter actions to the already failing government arewhat caused the final demise of the nation, the actions only accelerated thedemise of communism.

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