
Friday, July 26, 2019

Reading Response to Thinking of Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading Response to Thinking of Empire - Essay Example The nature of power creates an addiction to rule, resulting in several people seeking to have power. Through this, people become greedy, once they obtain power, they seek to hold onto it till they die; this is how people establish dynasties in the political field. Power can destroy a society, several people will always struggle to obtain and when they do, it consumes them and they are never the same. The privileges of power create greed, which also consumes the individuals who crave for power but do not have it. It results in people scheming and hoping to gain power. People will do whatever it takes to be in power. The bottom line is that in the end power makes people corrupt. The manner, in which the Romans and the English sought to establish empires, was a demonstration of how power was a negative factor in society. It resulted in several societies losing their homes and being consumed by the very empires that oppressed them. However, power is important to direct countries and individuals into some direction, be it good or bad. In the end, I find that without the hunger for power, the world would be a peaceful place to live. I can only wonder if a non-power hungry world will ever take center

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