Sunday, October 13, 2019
Common Mistakes in Writing
Common Mistakes in Writing What are the top three complaints employers have about employees’ writing abilities? The writing abilities of a person are very crucial. The employees in an organization should have this ability to show the world what they can do. If a person cannot write well, he will never be successful in any field of life. There are certain complaints that the employers have from their employees regarding to the writing. 1. No critical thinking: Writing starts off with this factor and ends with the same. If a person does not possess this, he will not be able to write well. 2. Expectations: The employees in an organization expect something else and get something else for writing. The employers than have nothing but complaining. 3. Grammatical mistakes: The employees do not possess strong grammatical ability to write. If they have no grip on their grammar, they cannot write well and as per condition. What are the top ten most common mistakes people make with punctuation? 1. Comma and introductory phrase: Most of the time, the comma is omitted to include for separating the introductory phrase. Example: To the extent I know he will be able to solve this issue. Correction: To the extent I know, he will be able to solve this issue. 2. Extra dots: Whenever you are to use the eclipses, the dots should not exceed the number of three. Example: I asked you to be with me, for that reason†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦., I told you, last night. Correction: I asked you to be with me, for that reason†¦, I told you, last night. 3. Use of an apostrophe with the abbreviation: The apostrophe should not be used with the abbreviation of the words. Example: CD’s cover speaks what is in it. Correction: CDs cover speaks what is in it. 4. Excessive use of exclamation marks: These marks show emotions and should not be used everywhere in a paragraph. Example: Alas! It is true that you are coward! Correction: alas! It is true that you are a coward. 5. Omission of colon: Sometimes the colon is omitted for introducing items. Example: I have many things in my bags that include, wallet, cell phone, bottle, and books. Correction: I have many things in my bags that include: wallet, cell phone, bottle, and books. 6. Comma instead of a semi colon: Both of them have their own importance. They should never be used alternatively. Example: If any mishap happened in the school; children will not like to come here again. Correction: if any mishap happened in the school, children will not like to come here again. 7. Set off non-essential appositives with comma: It is crucial to set this sort of appositive off from the rest of the sentence. Example: John the DJ was playing outstanding music in the party. Correction: John, the DJ, was playing outstanding music in the party. 8. Use of Interrogative sign: This sign should not be used when there is no question in the sentence. Example: You will not like what I have? Correction: You will not like what I have. 9. Capitalization of the nouns: These are only the proper nouns which are capitalized. Example: The President Clinton liked to be at this place. Correction: The president Clinton liked to be at this place. 10. Use of apostrophe with the possessive pronoun: There is no need to use the apostrophe with the possessive pronoun as they are already showing possession and fulfilling the purpose of apostrophe. Example: I like the car of his’ uncle or I like his’ uncle’s car. Correction: I like the car of his uncle or I like his uncle’s car. What are the top ten most common mistakes people make with grammar? 1. Affect and effect: People usually mix them up with each other. Affect is verb while the effect is noun and shows the influences of something on someone. Example: His affect was numerous. Example: He is going to effect you mentally. Correction: His effect was numerous. Correction: He is going to affect you mentally. 2. â€Å"Such as†not â€Å"such which or who†: After such, as is used as a precedent to the word such. Example: He is such a boy which is naughty. Correction: He is such a boy as is naughty. 3. Plural when there is â€Å"and†among the words: The use of â€Å"and†makes the noun a collective one, unless it is representing one and same idea. Example: Time and tide are very precious thing for everybody. Correction: Time and tide is very precious thing for everybody. 4. False use of preposition: There are certain prepositions that are fixed with the verbs and always follow them. Example: I am afraid from you. Correction: I am afraid of you. 5. Separation of the infinitive: The full infinitive should not be separated by any word. The word separating them should be used at some other place. Example: I would like to efficiently perform this duty. Correction: I would like to perform this duty efficiently. 6. Question is not a question: Question should be asked by setting the right structure of the sentence. Example: From where you could find this precious stone? Correction: From where could you find this precious stone? 7. Plural of uncountable nouns: The nouns which cannot be counted do not form their plural by themselves. The words piece, lot, and the like are used to make its plural. Example: I have information that you will like to know. Correction: I have a piece of information that you will like to know. 8. No subject-verb agreement: The verb should always be agreed with its subject. Plural subject mean plural verb and singular subject mean singular verb and vice versa. Example: He and I am not going to perform this wicked act. Correction: He and I are not going to perform this wicked act. 9. Who and which: The first one represents the pronoun that is used for the people and the second one is used for the animals and non-living things. Example: He is the same guy which was caught red-handed. I like your cell phone who is having all the features. Correction: He is the same guy who was caught red-handed. I like your cell phone which is having all the features. 10. Dependent clause as a complete sentence: The dependent clause can never stand by its own. It needs the main and independent clause to covey the accurate meaning. It should be separated with a comma and should be the part of a compound sentence. Example: People are spending healthy life in this town. They like nothing else. Correction: People are spending healthy life in this town, they like nothing else. Bibliography Leki, I. (1991). Foreign Language Annals. Rebecca. (n.d.). 50 Common Grammar Mistakes in English – part 1. Retrieved 09 20, 2014, from Smith, C. S. (1964). Determiners and Relative Clauses in a Generative Grammer of English. Linguistic Society of America. Cobbett, William(2003, originally 1818).A Grammar of the English Language (Oxford Language Classics). Oxford University Press. p.256.ISBN0-19-860508-0. Curme, George O., College English Grammar, Richmond, VA, 1925, Johnson Publishing company, 414 pages . A revised editionPrinciples and Practice of English Grammarwas published by Barnes Noble, in 1947. Note: the assistance was also taken from the teachers, senior students and, the books.
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